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Special Invitation Extended to the First Lady of Pakistan, Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi, by Prof. Dr. Ali Raza for the Poster Competition on Physical Wellness at Iqra University
Prof. Dr. Ali Raza extended a special invitation to the respected First Lady of Pakistan, Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi, for the Poster Competition on Physical Wellness organized by Health Sciences students at Iqra University.

The event, dedicated to promoting physical wellness and its significance in our lives, was a testament to the unwavering commitment of Prof. Dr. Ali Raza in fostering a culture of health and well-being among our students and the wider community. Prof. Dr. Ali Raza ensured the event's prominence and underscored the significance of physical wellness in our society by extending a personal invitation to the esteemed First Lady “Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi”.
The presence of Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi as the esteemed guest of honor elevated the event to new heights and added a touch of prestige and importance. Her attendance was a recognition of the efforts put forth by Prof. Dr. Ali Raza, Health Sciences faculty and students in raising awareness about physical wellness and its positive impact on overall health and well-being.
In addition to Prof. Dr. Ali Raza's invitation to the esteemed First Lady, the Poster Competition on Physical Wellness at Iqra University also served as a platform for the Health Sciences students to showcase their knowledge, creativity, and dedication in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The event featured a diverse range of posters highlighting various aspects of physical wellness, including exercise, nutrition, mental health, and disease prevention.
By organizing this competition, Prof. Dr. Ali Raza aimed to foster a sense of awareness and responsibility among the students towards their own physical well-being and that of the larger community. The competition provided an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding regarding the importance of physical wellness and share innovative ideas and strategies for leading a healthy lifestyle.
Furthermore, the presence of Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi not only added prestige to the event but also served as a source of inspiration for our students. Her support and encouragement have reinforced the significance of promoting physical wellness as a shared responsibility, emphasizing the role each individual can play in building a healthier nation. Her participation in the event has undoubtedly motivated our students to continue their efforts in advocating for physical wellness and making positive contributions to society.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Ali Raza express immense gratefulness to Mohtarma Begum Samina Arif Alvi for accepting the invitation and gracing us with her presence at the Poster Competition. Her participation and support have not only provided encouragement to our students but have also amplified the importance of physical wellness as a crucial aspect of leading a healthy and fulfilling life.
Prof. Dr. Ali Raza’s dedication in organizing such significant events emphasize the significance of physical wellness and nurture the holistic development of our students. His commitment to providing enriching experiences for our students is truly commendable and serves as an inspiration to the entire academic community. His dedication and passion for promoting physical wellness have made this event a resounding success.