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Iqra University
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An integrated framework for mobile payment in Pakistan: drivers, barriers, and facilitators of usage behavior

Journal of Financial Services Marketing

Indexing : Scopus, ABS, ABDC

The research aims to investigate the impact of theoretical drivers, facilitators, and barriers on the intention to adopt m-payment. It further examines the impact of the intention to adopt m-payment on usage behavior. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used based on a suitable sample of 408 participants in Karachi, Pakistan. The findings contribute to a greater understanding of the factors that influence customer decision-making and, as a result, the adoption intention of mobile payment in Pakistan. Instead of relying on a single theory, the performed study presents an inclusive strategy for researchers by combining three recognized theories connected to technology acceptance. This research is conducted on a limited number of participants in Karachi, Pakistan. The survey should be conducted also be conducted internationally to obtain more comprehensive results; it could also be beneficial to determine customer preferences toward mobile payment systems in other nations. Limited literature was found that argued the intention to adopt m-payment and its impact on user behavior in the Pakistani context. Moreover, no studies were found that reflected and discussed the impact of barriers, theoretical drivers, and facilitators on m-payment.


M-payment, Barriers, Facilitators, Intention, Usage behavior, PLS-SEM

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