Do Commodities Effectively Hedge Real Estate Risk? A Multi-Scale Asymmetric DCC approach
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Indexing : Impact factor: 2.618, Scopus Q1, ABS, ABDC
We examine the hedging performance of commodities futures for US real estate portfolios in a multi-scale setting. Dynamic asymmetric conditional correlations and thereafter optimal hedge ratios of real estate stock returns with commodities index, gold, oil and bond returns are estimated to examine hedge effectiveness under heterogeneous market expectations. Rolling window based out-of-sample one-step-ahead forecasts show that commodities index (gold) provide the best hedge to US real estate stocks for short-term (long-term) investments. The results are robust to the choice of model refits and rolling window sizes and provide useful implications for alternate markets' investors.
Commodities, Gold, Real estate,ADCC, Hedge ratios