Professor and Director Academics
Iqra University
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Fast Food Business Strategies in Pakistan: A Case of Pizza 363

SAGE Business Cases Journal

Indexing : Scopus Q4 Category

Pizza 363 is a newly launched pizza business in the local fast food industry of Pakistan. Pizza 363 started their operations with an emphasis on high-quality pizza at affordable prices. Initially, the food business was started by the two partners to satisfy the customer needs in the pizza business in Pakistan. Both partners have strong customer service skills and sufficient knowledge of the local fast food industry. The owners of Pizza 363 believe that their pizza business will grow rapidly and become famous among the local population. Despite the challenges and problems faced at the start, the owners intend to open more Pizza 363 outlets across Pakistan.The owners must consider how to market and scale up their business for sustainability. Given existing issues and challenges in the local food industry, the owners wonder if they should also focus on other geographical locations of Pakistan to expand Pizza 363 operations and increase brand visibility among their target markets.


Food business, Pizza 363, Pakistan

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